Understanding Your Course Progress Page
Follow these steps to access your Course Progress page:
1. Click/tap Reports on your Classroom Dashboard or select Reports from your navigation ribbon at the bottom of the screen.
2. Click/tap View course progress. NOTE: You can still view individual student progress by clicking/tapping View Student Activity on the left.
3. The Course Progress view gives you an overview of the collective progress of your class across the course. At a glance you can see how your class are performing on a topic by topic basis.
4. The 'Concepts Completed' column shows how many of your students have completed each of the concepts within a topic. A tooltip will appear when you hover over any given metric.
When we look at Presenting and Analysing Data in more detail we can see that most students have finished the first concept within the topic, half the class have completed the second concept, some of the students have completed the next three topics, and nobody has yet completed the sixth and final concept.
5. The 'Grade Status' column shows a cross section of your class' performance on a topic in terms of grade. Green represents an A grade, yellow represents B grade, purple represents C grade, and white represents no grade.
When we look at the tooltip for Presenting and Analysing Data we can see that 19 students are on an A grade, 5 are on a B grade, 0 are on a C grade, and 4 have no grade as yet.
6. The '30 Days Progress' column displays the progress your students are making in terms of their improvement on each topic on the course.
When we look at Presenting and Analysing Data in more detail we can see that the class have earned 233 skill points over the past 30 days.