Within BuildUp, there are comprehensive reports that can be used to check up on how your students have been getting on with their work. This information can be found within the View reports/Reports function on the teacher dashboard:
1. On the BuildUp.ie homepage, click/tap either View reports or Reports.
2. Click/tap View student activity. This brings you to a page showing your list of students in the selected class. Here you can see how students are doing on BuildUp.
3. You will see a list of all the students in this classroom. Clicking/tapping an individual student's name will bring you to their profile.
4. A filter at the top of the screen allows you to change the view to show student data over the last 24 hours, 7 days, 6 weeks or 'all time'.
5. Clicking/tapping Print all reports will provide you with instantly generated up-to-date report cards for each student, that you can print or even show to parents on-screen during parent teacher-meetings.
Now you can see exactly what questions your students got wrong or got right. To see this, click/tap an individual student's name to see their profile (shown above). Then, scroll down to the Recent Activity section of this page:
You will see that you can now click on each concept a student has done to view exactly what questions they got right, which they got wrong and how they answered them: